Reset Ted Wragg


Parents, carers, students and teaching staff demand

a reset of the Behaviour Policy from the Ted Wragg Trust

Welcome to another school year, parents, students and camapaigners. Let's achieve great stuff for our children. Let's change the Behaviour Policy!

Email your concerns and experiences of the Behaviour Policy to



"An outstanding school is one that succeeds for all of its pupils"

On the above metric, this means absolutely no Ted Wragg school is outstanding.  Not even close. 

As we settle into a new school year with a new government, perhaps it is time, Moira and Tim, for us to agree to shelve the 'cruel' behaviour rules that were forced on us by Michael Gove, Suella Bravermen and other unsavory characters.

Perhaps we could work together to provide schools which are for all children and not just the children you get to boast about in Facebook posts at the end of summer.  Did you not think any single child who did not get excellent grades was worthy of a shout on on social media?  Was there not one child who perhaps struggled but still achieved something, who was worthy of a mention? 

Your relentless focus on results, results and results sidelines up to one third of our children, many with special educational needs, mostly boys (85%). 

You double-down on a Behaviour Policy that has been described as cruel, that has lead to nearly ONE MILLION children in the last year alone being suspended from school.

Each time you apply the Behaviour Policy and push a child away you confirm to that child that they are not good enough.  Each day of education that they miss while they sit in your horrible isolation rooms, reset and reflection, makes it harder for them to catch up.  Once an outsider, always an outsider.

Moira, Tim and the rest of you - if you stop doubling-down on out-dated and unpleasant tory policies and consider moving forward in a way which supports ALL children, then we at the Reset campaign will work with you, and not against you.

Here is one of the articles about the Behaviour Policy in full. 

TRUST our Kids.  Please.

"I feel the staff only care about ..

 ... the students who do exceptionally well all the time.  It feels like you are a number to the Ted Wragg Trust.

What is worse, and also dangerous, is that I was told I couldn't use my mobile phone to support my diabetes and if it was seen or heard it would be confiscated.


Then I was told by the safeguard lead that she wanted to control my diabetes monitoring from her personal mobile device.


No support has been put in place for me or others with health conditions."

Current ISCA Student

Name Withheld.

It's Pants at Torbridge

"This school is totally out of control

...with its ridiculous rules. On the first day back my daughter got up early, got ready.

She looked so smart and she was so proud, and off she went. An hour later she texted in tears.

She’d been told as her trousers were too tight and the ones the school had were too big she was going to be in isolation for the whole day.

The school said they couldn’t let her go to her lessons with her own trousers on !!!! 

Angry Torbridge Parent

Torbridge Troubles

"I'm sick of it all ...

... I'm sick of it all.  The 25 minute lunch breaks, the access to toilets.

I'm considering home schooling, but I work every day.

I just don't know what to do.

Year 10 Parent


Ted Wragg NO Trust

"My son lost his whiteboard pen

 ... and asked if he could please borrow one.  The teacher told him only if he gave some security, and as he didn't have a phone the teacher insisted he hand to over a SHOE." 

Editor's note : We have had more than one report of shoes being demanded as collateral, from more than one school. 

@Schools: this makes you look RIDICULOUS.  We suggest you try trusting the children, instead.

We don't like Academies

And the NEU doesn't, either

The National Education Union says :

“academies are more likely than other schools to employ teachers who are unqualified and that the percentage of teachers without qualified teacher status (QTS) in academies is rising.” 

And it gets worse :

“teacher pay is worse in academies but MAT CEO pay is soaring.” 

Who'd have thought it? 

St Lukes no place for a child

"My son isn't even getting an education

... he gets sent to the behavioural support room every other day.  He is disengaged and socially isolated as well. How is he meant to learn to follow over the top classroom rules if he is never in the classroom?  The impact on my mental health has been insane I can't imagine what it is doing to an 11 year old.  School say they don't think it is an issue."

ISCA Parent

Too late at St James's

"I would have liked them to listen

when I said [ name redacted ] had anxiety, adhd and autism. My son missed out on nearly all his secondary schooling because I was seen as a bad parent who couldn't control him. I’ve had referral after referral to social services and each time a case was closed another referral was made. This had a very big impact on family life.


I was told by the school that they weren't prepared to do an EHCP as it was parenting issues. But then saying they can't support his needs. I asked for support – if the school can’t meet his needs point me to someone who can. I got the response no, can't do anything without an EHCP.


He eventually got an EHCP at the end of his final year at St James’s, and the school had the cheek to say it won't help him now but might do when he goes to college. 


I'm sorry but this is not the attitude to have at all. Everyone that I have spoke to said this should never have happened and my son has been failed by the system and the school. All he ever wanted was an education.
St James's Parent

Misery at St Lukes

"Policies implemented by the Trust

over the past 3.5 years have had a profoundly negative impact on my child's education and well-being, both at school and in our home life. The utilisation of reset rooms as a disciplinary measure, which isolates students from their peers, disrupts the learning environment and hampers social development, has been particularly damaging. My child's educational journey has been marred by a lack of positive teacher-student relationships and a pervasive sense of alienation. This has not only affected his academic progress but has also taken a toll on his emotional state, resulting in increased frustration and a noticeable decline in enthusiasm for learning. The negative experiences at school have, unfortunately, extended to our home life, influencing his overall well-being and happiness. It is disheartening to witness how the trust's disciplinary approach has adversely shaped my child's educational experience and emotional resilience over an extended period. Addressing these concerns is crucial for fostering a supportive and conducive learning environment for all students."
St Luke's Parent

No Education in Pinhoe

"I was sent to Reset for telling my friend

not to hit the fire alarm. I was sent to reset for telling another student to be quiet. I have been given BPs for forgetting a whiteboard pen – and for not wearing tights in the winter.  I have been denied access to the toilets. They have a big

barrier up on the upstairs toilets during break and lunch stating that if we use those during break and lunch it will be an automatic reset.

St James’s Student (current) : information verified

Safeguarding Fail #1001

"My daughter came home terrified

because an intruder had managed to get into the school, telling people he was a terrorist and had a bomb.  He was eventually arrested.  This has all been confirmed by the school however, they are keeping this from the parents. Why?  Obviously this is a huge safeguarding issue."

West Exe Parent

! November Winner !

And the award for most complaints goes to..

Torbridge!!!  Well done for joining awful ISCA and Woeful West Exe at the top of the Leaderboard!  This month Torbridge parents are upset about too many resets* - detentions for stupid reasons, limited toilet access, thirty minutes for lunch, petty policies and punishments. It's SO 2022, Torbridge.  We at the Reset Campaign are NOT impressed. 

*Editor's note : ANY number of resets is too many resets. It's a stupid punishment. 

ISCA is not Improving

"I'm so totally over this school

and so is my daughter.  They lost all their teachers at the end of last year and the school is a hot mess.  Nothing has improved, my daughter has had fifteen resets.  All the big promises Ted Wragg [Trust] made.  It was all lies, they have doubled-down on punishments.  We all hate this school, I wish there was somewhere else - anywhere.  But they are all the same, the Trust schools.  So unfair."

Year 9 ISCA Parent

Disappointed in St James's

"My daughter recently started at St James's

and is a constant state of heightened anxiety. She is coming home in tears constantly anxious about going back the following day.  She says the teachers are bullies, constantly shouting, constantly reminding them of detention, she was told she needed a green pen to complete a task, when she reached into her bag to get it, the teacher shouted:what are you doing! I didnt tell you to go in your bag!  If a partner at home treated you this way, it would be classed as domestic abuse. The homework quantity is immense! I mean homework for PE? Absolutely absurd! It's like the kids are not allowed to switch off after school. At this point I am seriously considering a elective home education."

St James's Parent

A question for West Exe

When you say to the children in your care

"if we let you off we let you down," is that sort of like saying "we only hurt you because we love you"?

Asking for a friend.

Julia - Reset Campaign

Editor's note : please email Julia direct with your most ridiculous stories of the Ted Wragg Trust. 

Trigger Warning : Drug Use

"When my daughter came home and informed

us that we were going to get a phonecall about a chocolate button we thought she was joking. But no, we received a phone call from school that same evening which was described as a ‘soft warning’ to ‘help [ our daughter ]’ because she gave a chocolate button to a friend in the corridor. The school made a point of assuring us we weren’t being singled out and that the parents of the child who received the chocolate button would also be phoned, too.

West Exe Parent

Back to Basics in Crediton

"QE went straight back into the new term

as they left off.... so many time outs (as they are now called) - my daughter included. In six hours she has gone from her happy relaxed self to stressed, anxious and so down on herself that she has already decided she isn't ever going to make anything of herself and her life is going nowhere.  All on the first day of year 8.  Two weeks ago she was telling me about how she would be a famous fashion designer and showing me all the places around the world she wants to travel.....

Well done QE more dreams crushed."

Queen Elizabeth Parent

Same Old in Alphington

"When my daughter joined Y7 she was the

happiest little girl, always ready to learn and take part. We roll around to November and we get a phone call saying she had been excluded. We asked why. “She walked out to go to the toilet”. I asked why did she have to walk out, going to the toilet is something everyone is allowed to do?  Wrong. You need to have a medical pass to go. I am thinking of moving her away from a Ted Wragg school.

fuck #beyourbestexe, start a #shutdownwestexe movement ASAP."

Angry West Exe Parent


St James's Regresses

"We started this school year more optimistic.

However [ our son ] has just informed us that he was given Reset today for receiving 2 behaviour points in Drama. One for not moving his bag close enough to a wall and the second for talking & moving. This resulted in him missing History, English and Geography.  Two minor behaviours points warranted three periods in Reset - missing vital lessons. This is madness! These are not bad behaviours, just actions, which require no more than a verbal prompt or reminder. We thought after all the feedback from parents last year that the behaviour system and proportionality of sanctions was going to be reviewed. How does belongings not being close enough to a wall warrant a BP and missing three lessons? Again, no common sense being used, just disproportionate punishment!"
St James's Parent

Missing in Action

"Yesterday my son had a whole lesson

where the teacher didn't bother to show up, so they just messed around instead of doing maths and then went out to break.  No one noticed."

West Exe Parent

Punitive Punishments

"My daughter says a girl in her class asked

the teacher if she could please open a window, it was really hot in class. The teacher exploded and yelled at her and sent the girl to the cupboard for two hours."
West Exe Parent

Sick and Tired of it

"From September I am homeschooling my

SEN child.  I can’t keep fighting West Exe, and she spends so much time in that cupboard or in IE she is barely getting an education. There aren't any non-Trust schools with places so we haven't a choice."
West Exe Parent

To the Campaign Parents

"I see from your website that West Exe School

is still sending children to the isolation cupboard as a punishment. 

Some weeks ago I had a tour of the school with two members of the Trust. The welcome was warm and it was a pleasure to talk to the children. When we reached the isolation cupboard I was assured by the headteacher that my information from parents and carers was wrong and no one was ‘sent’ there. Children apparently went into the small, windowless cupboard of their own accord for peace and quiet……

The student sent into the isolation cupboard this week has, in common with many Ted Wragg students, anxiety problems and like many of us wouldn’t choose to spend a whole day in a windowless room in total silence."

Rosie Cook.  Retired Headteacher.

Definition of Safeguarding

Read this, Ted Wragg Trust - and the shocking

stories relayed through this website.  Then ask yourselves - can you honestly say all the schools - run in your name - are safeguarding our children? 

"Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.

Safeguarding means protecting children from abuse and maltreatment

Safeguarding means preventing harm to children’s health or development

Safeguarding means ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care

Safeguarding means taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes."

You Will Like Us.  Or Else

The children were set a task at West Exe

"My son said all the students in their class were made to write letters to their favourite teacher thanking them for all the good things they've done.

He couldn't think of a favourite teacher so the tutor who set the task put forward their own name - or suggested a head-of-year.

My son (who is honest) said there actually isn’t anyone in the school they feel thankful to.

He was reprimanded for not completing the task."

West Exe Parent

ISOLATION as punishment

#TransformingLives at West Exe

"My daughter will remain at home tomorrow.  I will not allow her to be subjected to isolation and silence… I will not be sanctioning any time in IE, it is illegal, abusive and an inhumane punishment

I draw your attention to sweat boxes and hot rooms as a form of torture to make people comply. It would be nice if TWT would train teachers to manage low level disruption in a better way."

Excerpt from West Exe Parent letter to the school

St James's doesn't get it

"Can you not see the irony

of you taking my son out of his lessons and putting him Reset, where he learns NOTHING?  If I removed half as much class time from my son as you do I would be in court facing a fine."

Excerpt from email to St James's school 

Safeguarding Failures x 1000

"My son texted me at 11am and said the

teachers weren't letting him get water.  And so he left and went home.  I was at work and didn't hear once from the school to alert me that he wasn't present for the rest of the day."

West Exe Parent (of course)

Overheard at ISCA

Male staff member, Senior Leadership Team

to an upset parent anxious that change is not happening quickly enough for their child's mental health.  'NOTHING is going to change, in September.'


ISCA... Ted Wragg Trust... we are watching YOU.

West Exe Punishment x 2

Reset is meant to be 'the' punishment

but at West Exe it's only half of it!  We are receving reports from upset parents whose children have had their chance to participate in Sports Day tomorrow taken away - because they were in Reset today. 

Seems harsh (and petty and mean) 

How to get Suspended at QE

Suspension is a serious matter.  But not at QE!

"First warning talking - second warning, saying hi to someone who entered the room and said it first.  My son said but Miss that's not fair she said hi to me first : third warning - answering back.  Result = suspension."

Parents view :  ridiculous overreaching.

West Exe Fail (again)

My son was playing catch with a tinfoil ball

and when they missed it hit **** on the shoulder.  [My son] quickly apologised - and the apology was accepted.  But on Monday I had a call to say he was suspended for five days for assaulting a teacher.  He had absolutely no idea what I was talking about and genuinely thought they had rung the wrong parent.  He was very upset and begged to get the CCTV checked.  It took them over a week to agree - lots of emails to the head - to the governors.  The CCTV vindicated my son - he had missed a week's education - and never even got an apology."

West Exe Parent

West Exe Fail *yawn* Again

And it's over access to water.  AGAIN.

"My daughter came home and said her English class was showing 31 degrees so the teacher was letting a few out at a time to refil water.  Then [teacher] (uuurggh!!!) came in and stopped them, saying it should be done in breaks!!! I wrote to [teacher] directly and [teacher] phoned me to basically say my daughter is a liar and cannot recall the situation accurately!!"

VERY upset Parent, West Exe

QE & West Exe Parents Unite

Most upsetting conversation this week

A West Exe Parent gives advice to a QE Parent -and if the necessity for this advice does not shame those two schools - nothing will. 

"For those of you, like us, whose SEN children are in a perpetual cycle of reset / IE / lesson removal please try and push for a 'tariff' to reduce removal time.  We have such a learning gap from all these resets it's caused a whole set of challenges."

Honiton joins the Ranks

"Mr ***** is adamant my child is badly

behaved.  She is not.  Just one teacher heavily disciplining for minor things... he is a dangerous man and its sad he is now at Honiton.  The Ted Wragg way is destroying kids happiness and love of learning.  I'm quite horrified this is allowed to continue.

Honiton Parent

#TransformingLives in Sidmouth

"My child is in Sidmouth College and since

he has been there we have been fighting for help.  He comes home so stressed and upset.  He says the rules have got worse and you get punished for silly things if your pen runs out and you not got a spare if you need to go toilet my son won't use them at school he will wait til he comes home the school is useless."

Sidmouth Parent

Excerpt from Letter to MP

"The system of discipline brought in by

Ted Wragg is allowing weak teachers with poor classroom management, to bully kids."

QE Parent letter to their MP, Mel Stride. 

To tell Mel Stride how QE treats your child click here

West Exe SEND Fail (again)

"West Exe have absolutely no idea

about the care and needs of SEN children."

West Exe Parent

Safeguarding Fails (again)

Which school has lost three pupils this week?

Didn't know they'd walked out in rage or despair - never even noticed?  Answers on a postcard to Alphington EX2.

Disingenuous, much?

"Changing the name of the Reset Room 

to 'Lesson Removal Room' doesn't make it acceptable or less of a punishment it just means West Exe think parents are stupid."

Imprisoned in Alphington

"If anyone ever has a child sent to the

Pastoral Support Room at West Exe you need to be challenging it ASAP it is a draconian dungeon with no windows or natural light and no adult supervision.

West Exe Parent

Statistics about the Trust

Did you know that 12 of the Executives of the

Crediton Blame Game

They are very quick to point the finger and

punish but seem incapable of acknowledging their own many mistakes. The systems they use aren't fit for purpose and cause parents unnecessary stress and worry.
QE Parent

ISCA Overreaction, much

"My friend was suspended for SIX DAYS

for wearing a pair of flamingo-print shorts UNDER his school trousers.  He was showing them to us just before class started and we were laughing and then he got suspended for six days.  It's not even funny anymore."

ISCA Student

#TransformingLives at QE

"My son got Reset for 'defiance' yesterday.

It was lunchtime and he was told to tuck in his shirt and he said, 'oh I'm so hot, do I have to, miss?' and that was 'rude' and 'defiant'.  They punish them using these negative words and when you look into it they weren't rude or defiant at all.'

QE Parent

Safeguarding Fail #2

"My son won't be going back to school, now.

He spent the majority of Year 11 in Reset.  Today he walked out, spent the afternoon at the park and they didn't even notice he wasn't there.  I called to ask what happened and they didn't even know he hadn't been there all afternoon.  Epic safeguarding fail!!!!!"

West Exe Parent

#TransformingLives at ISCA

"There are many problems at my school.

The homework policy is unfair as we are expected to get 100% on our maths homework even if there's a question we are stuck on or a topic we are yet to learn. Me and many of my friends feel that the head teacher and deputy heads don't care about us as individuals and only care about our obedience."

ISCA Student

Staff Laughing at Children

"I recall with horror the 'banter' between senior

staff when a student tried to escape school. One staff member expressed hope that the child might hurt themselves climbing fence. The more senior member of staff joked that so long as injuries didn’t require paperwork to be completed."

Former West Exe Teacher

Desperation Levels

"My daughter had the misfortune to go to ISCA

for a year.  From being a happy, confident child she [became] desperately unhappy, refused to go to school, wouldn't eat and locked herself in her room. We ended up having to move to Cornwall as we couldn't go to any other schools in Exeter as they were all Ted Wragg." 

Escapee ISCA Parent

Damp Squib at ISCA

"ISCA flooded and they sent the kids home

early.  My son was soaked and the next day when his shoes still weren't dry, he had to wear black trainers in.  They told him that was reset, for the wrong shoes, but he wasn't having it, he walked out.  I don't blame him."

Y11 ISCA Parent

#TransformingLives at St James's

"My son was in Reset today for missing

yesterday's Reset detention, which he hadn't been able to attend, as he was in a Maths detention.  The reset teacher TOLD us this on the phone but now the school won't admit it on an email, they are afraid it will end up on this website and they will look like idiots."

St James's Parent

It's Shit in Alphington

"My son got reset for 'truanting'.  Imagine my

surprise when I found out he was actually taking a dump.  It can take a while, what is he supposed to do?  Truanting my arse.  They are fucking idiots, the lot of them."

WestExe Parent

More Rules in Pinhoe

"For us it mainly has been the increasing

number of rules.  Ever since they returned from Covid they have been faced with more and more rules.  I cannot understand why a Y11 student has to read from a book and HAS to follow it with a ruler.  Something isn't working at the moment."

Y11 St James's Parent

Criminals in Crediton

"My son has just informed us he spent his

entire lunchbreak in RTL, now known as 'Reset' for looking through the canteen window.  When he asked why he was being sent to Reset he was told 'just go'  It's beyond acceptable."

QE parent

Next step the courts

"For anyone considering a group litigation

We have found a lawyer who can put together a case for suing a school or Trust for emotional distress.  He says you only need about 10 x people for a Group Litigation.  More information about David here - and email us to be connected to this action."

Parents from QE, WestExe & St James

No Logic or Fairness

"Our Year 7 child was sent straight to time out

over lunch for simply standing on a bench outside because he couldnt see the football. Not asked if he could get down as common sense would suggest, just sent straight to time out!"

St James's Parent

Reset Detention Reset Repeat

"My son was given a Reset for incomplete

homework. He did the Reset then the next day was told to go back to Reset as the homework still wasn’t complete. He also has a detention after school every day until it is complete. So missing important lessons due to incomplete Sparx homework from 2 weeks ago… What an absolute joke."

Ted Wragg Parent

Dentistry in Crediton

"It's like pulling teeth.... pulled son out as he was

being Reset so often he wasn’t getting to do anything other than word searches.  He has done more work at home in the first few days than he’s done in weeks at school.  And he’s a much nicer person without the stress.

QE Parent


"Good for you, standing up to these bullies.

I worked at a Ted Wragg Trust school and when I spoke my mind about what I saw going on I was reprimanded for it.  They are institutions run by power freaks and are ruining children's lives."

Name Withheld

Ted Wragg School

'Shambles' in Pinhoe

"The Trust certainly does not have the welfare

of the pupil at its heart.  I have a boy who cannot wait to leave. He is a good child but may on occasions forget a piece of equipment or not have his shirt tucked in. The school has put him in Reset on 4 occasions in 3 weeks without even calling me in for a discussion."

Y11 St James Parent


"The staff had no understanding about what is

completely predictable behaviour for fostered and adopted children who had experienced trauma, and imagined that they could just punish and shame them into compliant and conforming behaviour - the exact opposite of what is recommended. My child left as an anxious wreck and still suffers the consequences."

West Exe Parent


"These kids are going to leave school not only

anxious, but traumatised and resentful, with a plethora of mental health problems, from not having the reasonable level of support that they need to thrive.  Our kids won't survive this. I just can't believe this is allowed to happen."

Exeter Parent

Who's Bullying Who?

"When you approach children with the

assumption that they are liars, and that any mistakes are purposeful acts, and treat them accordingly, and when you fail to support and flat refuse to engage with their parents, the words INSTITUTIONAL BULLYING begin to loom large on the horizon."

QE Parent

Punished in Winter

"We told the school and our son he wouldn't

stay and do the detention in winter, we didn’t want him to walk home in the dark.  So they punished him for that, and put him back in reset the next day. I reckon he’s done sixty or seventy days in reset so far."

Y7 ISCA Parent

Outraged and Disgusted

"As a parent I am appalled at what is going on

at QE. The behaviour policies… are absurd, disproportionate, cruel and border on abusive. Ted Wragg and QE will publicly bleat about engaging with parents and putting children at the heart of everything they do, but this is bureaucratic, self-serving box ticking. The reality is very different."
QE Parent


"I am trying to support my daughter and her

family as I watch a previously motivated, confident child gradually becoming anxious.. losing any desire to learn… the dread of resets has led to her spending nights trying to perfect her homework. It is impossible to reconcile these policies... with the “child-centred”, compassionate approach on which the Trust advertises them as being based."

West Exe Grandparent

Breaching Guidelines

"At St James they only have 5 toilets available

for girls which equates to a ratio of 1 toilet per 98 children. The DofE Guidelines state that it should be 1 toilet per 20 children. This school has got worse over recent years as Ted Wragg policies have set in... I look forward to the day that both my children leave."

St James's Parent

West Exe Toilet Nightmares

"The toilet issue is the main concern.  Pupils

don't have enough time to use them during breaks in part because of the two at a time policy and not being able to step out of a lesson. This leads to students restricting fluid intake and having to choose between eating at break time or using the toilet."

Y8 Parent

No Respect in Crediton

"I sometimes feel like I'm throwing my child into

the lions den as we always know what teachers will give out the RTLs each day. Many parents and children are struggling with the behaviour policy . Ted Wragg must be turning in his grave!!! All we want is for our children to be treated fairly and with respect

QE Parent

Children feel Unsafe

"St James's is honestly the worst school...

I feel unsafe and uncomfortable going to school every day.  Upstairs toilet?  Go to reset. No green pen?  BP. 

Y7 St James's Student

Unhappy Children

"Ted Wragg has destroyed my child's happiness

health and wellbeing.  His SEND needs not being met and being punished for needing the toilet when asking to go.  My child's anxiety is heightened at the thought of going to school."



"Twenty minutes to get food eat exercise use

the toilet and get back to class is a joke it cannot be done. Prisoners in prison get treated better they have their own toilet in their cells. Absolute disgrace Ted Wragg & the teachers who treat our children this way.

West Exe Parent

Increasing Anxiety

"My daughter has become very stressed due to

the homework on Sparx maths. She couldn't answer a question, neither could I or her dad, she was beyond herself as said she would get a reset if she didn't get it right! She didn't sleep well that night and made herself very anxious. This is NOT ok."

Y7 Parent.

Whistleblowers' Dismay

"I am an employee within the Ted Wragg Trust

and completely agree that changes are needed. I have seen unacceptable treatment of staff and students, with no attempts made to listen to anyone who disagrees. The SEND provision is close to non-existent within the school, likely due to the staff exodus."

Current Staff Member

No Time for Lunch

"My kid gave up taking a packed lunch as he

said there isn't enough time to eat and use the loo without getting detention or reset, and so he gave up eating during the day.  How is this not shocking?" 

Y9 West Exe Parent

Spare Pen

"My daughter was panicking one evening when

she was packing her bag for the next day because she couldn't find her green pen.  She said she would get reset if she didn't have a green pen.  I tried to explain that any pen would do, and she burst into tears."

St James's Parent.

Reset for Needing a Drink

"My daughter received reset for asking for a

drink of water and when she stood up for herself she was threatened with suspension / host school, which lead on to her self-harming when she got home. When I confronted the school no responsibility was taken."

Y8 Parent Cranbrook


Removal is where a pupil, for serious

disciplinary reasons is required to spend a limited time out of the classroom at the instruction of a member of staff.  Removal from the classroom should be considered a serious sanction. it should only be used.. once other behavioural strategies in the classroom have been attempted."

Child Law Advice

Uniform as 'Behaviour'

"We were particularly upset when my son had to

queue for the toilets, rushed to get out and then was immediately sent to reset for having his shirt slightly untucked. We then received an email suggesting we speak to our son about his behaviour choices.  It's simply cruel. 

St James Parent


"Our son is constantly in reset for pathetic and

minor things - a collar sticking up, tie not straight - needing to go to the toilet.  And he has a toilet pass, as well."

Y10 West Exe Parents

Cranbrook Petty Punishments

"We've had reset for wearing the wrong socks,

forgetting a pencil - talking in class.  My issue is that reset is a whole 5 lessons in isolation where they are not taught.

Cranbrook Parent

Failing Miserably

"As a head-teacher of more than twenty years

I cannot understand what removal from learning for a whole day, with added detention, is supposed to teach children who have essentially done nothing wrong. 

Y8 Grandparent, St James

Ready to Learn at QE

"Our son is punished for minor infringements

such as not tracking with a ruler when reading, not having a pencil sharpener. The list is relentless."

QE Parents

ISCA Anxiety 'Treatment'

"One of my girls suffers with really bad anxiety.

They wouldn't give her a chance, just send her to reset.  I regret sending them to ISCA."

Y9 Parent

Parents without Choices

"All schools that aren't Ted Wragg are massively

over subscribed. Starting to see why now."

QE Parent

West Exe Toilets

"The situation has become ridiculous. Toilets

are always blocked by teachers so unable to use them between lessons.  He has to hold his pee for hours.  Unbelieveable." 

West Exe Y8 Parent.


"Since starting at QE my daughter has gone

from a confident happy child to an anxious wreck. Staff unfortunately are more worried about the contents of a child's pencil case than the quality of their education."

QE Parent

No one cares

"My best friend has had twelve resets so far.

I don't think he has a very nice home life and at school they punish him for stupid stuff and nobody stands up for him. It makes me angry."

St James's Student

Reset for 'Correct' Maths

"My Year 8 Son did all his maths homework

and got a day in reset and detention because he hadn't shown the workings out on one question.  He is a Grade A student, never been in any trouble.  Why is he missing class when he did nothing wrong?  I can't make the school listen.  This is so unfair." 

Y8 Parent, West Exe

Reset for Lack of Equipment

"My son is only 11, he really struggles with

organisation and remembering things.  He is really chaotic.  But he was never anxious before the school started punishing him for it.  I mean, reset for not having a calculator and a green pen?"   

Y7 St James's Parent.

Anxious about Attendance

"My daughter wasn't anxious before she

started at West Exe but now it is a challenge to even get her out the door in the morning, she finds it all so stressful.  She maybe makes it in half of the week if it's a good week and all the school do is threaten fines.  They don't get it, they don't see that they did this..."

St Lukes Maths Reset

"My daughter spent the day in reset because

she couldn't complete 1 question on her sparx homework even the teacher couldn't answer the question but had completed all other questions."

Y10 Parent.

Reset for Drinking Water

"My Nephew got put in reset for drinking

out of his bottle in the corridor on the way to lunch...."

ISCA Y8 Aunt

Reset for Refilling

"My daughter once got reset because she used

her toilet pass but on her way to use toilet she also filled up her water bottle."

Y7 ISCA parent

Equipment Punishment

"My daughter got reset & detention for

forgetting glue but they did f all about her being bullied so pulled her out of school now home schooling her."

West Exe Parent



"They send me to reset so much and it's always

for really stupid reasons, like, because I can't do sparx maths even though I told them I can't do it, and I got reset for that, now I don't care. I hate school, they aren't fair at all."

Pupil, Y7 

Child Refusing Water

"My son won't drink anything at all until after

3pm on a school day because he is too worried he won't be allowed the toilet if he needed to go.  He won't even take a water bottle when it's hot."

Y7 St James's Parent

Below is the New Deal between Parents, Carers, Students & the Ted Wragg Trust

To confirm your support of the New Deal please complete this form

Still waiting for the Ted Wragg Trust to email us to discuss how we can work together to implement the following positive amendments to their Behaviour & other policies. 

If the Trust continues to double-down on its awful policies - we will double-down on our campaign.  Shouldn't we work together for our children, instead?

01 Resetting Reset & RTL

No more Reset or 'Right to Learn', which are just different names for the same punishment : removing children from taught classes for a whole day.  Detention and standard school suspensions where warranted.  Nothing else. 

02 Homework Detention

Incomplete or inaccurate homework is not a 'behaviour' and is not punishable.  Reward those who do the homework instead of punishing those who don't. 

03 When 'Reset' & RTL Fail

Reset / RTL are finished and so are 'exclusion rooms' and sending children to another school in the Trust.  We do not consent to these archaic punishments. 


04 Toilets & Trust

We trust our children to know when they need to use the toilet and to do so without a teacher guarding the door.  Sometimes it is necessary to go to the toilet during a lesson, and it is always allowed.


05 Lunch Break

Twenty Minutes for lunch and to use the toilet?  It's an insult. The absolute minimum we will agree is 45-minutes.  School is about more than just work.  Socialising and exercise are important, too.


06 Time Out Time Up

Time Out is only allowed when the lunch-break has been extended, and then it is limited to actual bad behaviour and is not to be used for uniform or equipment failures.   


Share your story - email us - and we will include you (anonymously) in our Parent Voices. 

Alternatively, please complete the form to add your name to the New Deal. 

Support the New Deal & Report Reset

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